Growth Hormone: Will Growth Hormone Make Your Body Perfect ?

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Why do we need growth hormones?

Somatotropin is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It is involved in almost all important processes of our body – it regulates lipid metabolism, bone strength, muscle condition, skin elasticity, and much more.

Growth hormone is naturally released throughout a person’s life, but it peaks during adolescence when there is active bone growth. After that, somatotropin continues to support our organs and tissues, but not so actively. And after 30 years, its concentration in the body begins to decline slowly. Growth hormone production declines by about 14% every 10 years, making our muscles weaker and fatter.

Naturally, this imperfection of nature was adopted by the fitness industry, and now any active visitor to the gym knows that the natural aging process of the body can be slowed down by injecting artificially synthesized somatotropin. “With the help of injectable preparations of growth hormone, it is really possible to increase muscle mass, improve their relief, and reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat layer. Somatotropin also strengthens bones, ligaments, and cartilage, slows down the breakdown of muscle tissue, speeds up metabolism and wound healing after injuries,” explains Fatima Kulchieva, an endocrinologist at the MEDSI clinic on Leninsky Prospekt.

Why are somatotropin injections dangerous?

As the expert emphasizes, with improperly selected dosages or ignoring contraindications, somatotropin injections can turn into many serious problems. So, an artificially increased concentration of growth hormone in the body can lead to uncontrolled growth of internal organs and cartilage (ears, nose), increased blood pressure, blood glucose levels, as well as bloating, pain in the stomach and joints. “The effect of somatotropin on the growth of tumor cells has been proven,” adds Fatima Kulchieva.

If you are professionally engaged in bodybuilding, then perhaps injections of this drug will benefit you. However, before starting hormone therapy, be sure to consult with a number of specialists (therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, oncologist, and others), and also pass all the necessary tests.

According to the expert, only correctly selected dosages of the drug and a competent scheme for taking it will not cause withdrawal syndrome, in which the natural production of somatotropin by the body is suppressed. “The specific dosage of growth hormone depends on the purpose of the course. To build muscle mass, bodybuilders are usually injected with 10-30 IU of the drug. Injections are made once every two days, dividing the dosage in such a way as to imitate the production of the hormone by the pituitary gland, ”explains Fatima Kulchieva.

How to increase the production of growth hormone without injections?

If you go in for sports “for the soul” and dream of a beautiful, embossed body, then, according to most experts, there is no point in risking your health and “putting” yourself on hormones. Moreover, by adjusting the regimen of the day, nutrition and training, you can naturally increase the production of somatotropin in the body. We will tell you what specific factors contribute to this.

Good dream

Continuous and deep sleep is one of the most important conditions for the production of somatotropin, since this hormone is included in active work at night. At the same time, numerous studies have proven that it is very important to go to bed before midnight and not interrupt sleep for 7-9 hours. Conversely, if you constantly jump up at night from every rustle, check your smartphone or run to the toilet, then the process of producing growth hormone can seriously slow down.

Proper training

A study conducted by scientists at the University of Connecticut (USA) showed that it is moderate and high intensity interval training aimed at developing large muscle groups that contributes to the most active release of growth hormone. Experts recommend doing at least 2 such strength training sessions per week.

Amino acid intake

Another way to increase the release of somatotropin in the body is to include special amino acids in your diet. Glutamine, arginine, lysine and ornithine are substances that stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. At the same time, you should discuss the specific dosages of amino acids and the regimen for taking them with your doctor.

Increasing protein in the diet

Foods high in these amino acids will also help increase growth hormone release. It is worth leaning on protein products of animal origin – chicken, beef, pork, fish, as well as dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt). In addition, scientific studies in recent years have shown that eggs and shrimp contain a substance such as choline, which also stimulates the production of growth hormone.

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