How to increase endurance?

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These recommendations will be useful to you, no matter how you train: do triathlon or go jogging . By following these tips, you will feel how much easier and more enjoyable your workouts will become, and how your endurance will increase. And all thanks to the fact that you start to train correctly.

Set a Specific Goal

Do you want to set a personal record in the 5K? Or do you want to run your first fifty-kilometer spinning marathon? The best way to stay motivated and in the mood is to fix the “reporting date”. It should be in the foreseeable future, but not too soon so you have enough time to prepare. The most optimal period is from three to six months. You can choose any goal for this period: for example, find information about mass races or bike rides on the Internet, or simply arrange your own challenge.

Follow the 10% Rule

If you are determined to conquer a long distance, then the most effective method of increasing endurance is to increase the distance gradually. Always adhere to the Golden Rule of Endurance: Never increase your distance by more than 10% per week (for example, if you are preparing to run a half marathon and run 25 kilometers during the week, then do not exceed 27.5 kilometers the next week).

change the pace

Performing any exercise at a moderate pace will never allow you to take your endurance to the next level. “Swimming at the same pace for 30 minutes is no longer useful after five or six workouts,” says a Gold’s Gym pool instructor. “You need to take breaks and try different styles. For example, try to swim 4 x 200 meters in all ways, while the last 200 meters swim with acceleration. This will not only increase your stamina, but also allow you to become stronger.”

Don’t Forget to Refuel Your Body

If you decide to increase the distance covered, then you need to think about changing your diet. Just like a car that needs fuel to cover a greater distance, your body also needs reinforcement. Nutritionists recommend eating 1 gram of carbohydrates for every kilogram of your weight and 20 to 30 grams of protein after 30 to 60 minutes of exercise.

Take intermediate measurements

Track your progress and motivate yourself by taking intermediate measurements every two to three weeks. Try running a mile and a half on the track as fast as you can, or, for example, ride an exercise bike for 30 minutes at a hard level. Keep statistics of your progress: measure pace, heart rate, distance, time and evaluate your well-being.

Do strength training

Renowned physiotherapist and triathlon coach at the San Diego Rehabilitation Center, Brian Hill, believes that the correct implementation of strength training has an extremely beneficial effect on endurance levels. Practicing strength training will help you be less prone to injury and stay in shape on your way to achieving your endurance goals. Brian also offers more reps with lighter weights to improve muscle endurance and plyometrics (a technique used by athletes to improve performance in sports that require speed, quickness and power) combined with strength training.

Schedule your off days

Be sure to arrange rest days for yourself to protect the body from overwork and injury. Rest is also part of your training program, and there should be at least one non-workout day per week.

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