How to get electrolytes naturally

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Let’s start with the fact that water balance is very important for maintaining internal homeostasis and maintaining health. It is the amount of water in the body that is supplied to and excreted from the body by various mechanisms regulating its level.
Water from the body is constantly removed with urine, sweat and breathing. The amount of fluid lost significantly increases in hot weather, physical exertion, in a dry and warm room, with fever and as a result of taking medications. Slight dehydration carries a high risk of loss of health and even life. It is then that we feel strong weakness, headache, loss of concentration or irritability. You have to be aware that with the loss of water, we get rid of valuable electrolytes.

What are electrolytes?

These are naturally occurring elements in the body that are found in plasma, blood and tissue fluids. They are also aqueous solutions of magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphate and chloride ions. Thanks to the appropriate amount of electrolytes, the water and electrolyte balance is kept in balance along with the osmotic pressure, and the conduction of nerve impulses is properly conducted. In addition, they also participate in tissue regeneration and even out muscle work.
If you do not know if your body is getting enough electrolytes, you can always do a test called ionogram. Similar to the complete blood count, a routine examination most often recommended for recurring symptoms: dizziness, swelling of the limbs, balance disorders, muscle spasms, abnormal blood pressure, general weakness, drowsiness, irregular heartbeat. The ionogram is performed as a standard during the initial assessment of kidney and liver function. The examination is not a heavy burden on the budget, so it is worth, especially in the summer season, to perform it privately or ask your family doctor for a referral.

Electrolyte standards:

Mg 0.7–1.1 mmol/l
Na 136–148 mmol/l
Ca 2.25–2.70 mmol/l
K 3.6–5.0 mmol/l
Phosphate 0.8–1 .5 mmol/L
CL 98-110 mmol/L

What are the effects of electrolyte deficiencies?

Incorrect levels lead to large-scale disorders of the body’s functioning. Importantly, it is very easy to lose them.
The most common sign of inadequate electrolyte levels is dehydration. Symptoms of this condition are headache, excessive sleepiness, dry mouth, fainting, apathy, muscle tremors, diarrhea or constipation. In extreme cases, convulsions, bone fragility and paralysis occur and may lead to the arrest of vital functions.

What to do to replenish electrolyte losses?

Fortunately, the lack of electrolytes in the first stage can be easily replenished. Regular fluid intake is key. The best choice will be water, which should be highly mineralized and, what is important, often drunk in small sips. A good solution is also tomato juice, which is primarily a source of potassium. In addition to fluids, it is worth introducing a proper diet, rich in products containing magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium. Especially valuable in this respect are fruits and vegetables, which, regardless of the state of health, should be the basis of human nutrition. In the summer season, they supplement electrolyte deficiencies due to the high water content in the composition. During this time, you can enjoy the taste of seasonal products and consume them in various forms (liquid, semi-liquid, raw or processed).
In the case of sodium deficiency, you need to be more careful. Sodium is an element that should definitely be limited. It is usually consumed in excess, but in such a situation you should temporarily increase its amount in the diet and reach for products such as rennet cheese, bread, olives, sauerkraut and cucumbers.
A good solution to supplement electrolyte deficiencies are supplements available in pharmacies. Most often they come in sachets in which there is a powder to make a solution. Unfortunately, they often contain a lot of sweeteners and flavors to provide a pleasant taste and smell.

Electrolytes are very important for the proper functioning of the body and maintaining it in full health. You have to constantly take care to provide as much nutrients as possible, including electrolytes, with your diet. Regular drinking of mineral waters to some extent can provide the appropriate concentration, but without a proper diet it is practically impossible. However, it is worth paying attention to what signals the body gives and what happens to it. Regular medical examinations are mandatory, which help to control the health condition and detect possible irregularities in order to be able to quickly combat them.

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