How to Conquer my inner bastard

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Everybody knows him. You’ll never get rid of him either, that’s for sure. In 95% of the cases you should be master of him and be able to defeat him. We are talking about the “inner bastard”. He keeps challenging me too. Today I give you 8 tips that help me personally and with which I achieve excellent results with my clients.

  1. Define your goal and keep working towards it. For many of my clients, the goal is to maximally reduce body fat percentage in 3 months. You can also have another goal, such as attending a future event. So you always stay focused on your goal!
  2. Control your aim! Get on the scales weekly or measure your waist circumference with the measuring tape . Once a month I offer my customers a body measurement service with the caliper and the infrared scan (see blog post). This way you can check your progress and stay motivated.
  3. Let us create a motivating training plan that is short and goal-oriented ! The plans for my shape package never last longer than 20 minutes, which makes it much more difficult for the weaker to win. In addition, they bring even better results than jogging for hours (see blog post HIIT).
  4. Schedule the workout in the morning and set the alarm 30 minutes earlier. Complete your training directly. No matter what comes today, your workout is done and you can start the day with a positive feeling and full of energy! That feels great, believe me.
  5. If #4 is impossible for you, complete your training with one personal trainer, friends or your partner! This creates commitment and it takes a lot more effort to cancel the appointment!
  6. Enter your training sessions in your diary. Make them your top priority as if they were appointments with your boss. Come what may, but the date cannot be postponed!
  7. My customers keep a food diary in my own app “personalworkout” , which I can view at any time. It only takes 1 minute per meal to fill out. Due to my control, you think twice about whether you should order a dessert or not. There are various templates on the Internet that you can use to control yourself. See eg here.
  8. make a bet But your bet must be really painful!
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