Check out a short list of the best cable abs exercises for an amazing six-pack condensed into a core workout with sets and reps included.
The cable machine is a wonderful piece of equipment that can be seen as the jack of all trades when it comes to fitness. If you have the proper handle (rope or bar, for example) you can train virtually any muscle group in your body and get fitter and stronger. Isn’t that great?
What some people don’t realise is that you can also target your core with this machine. Just see it for yourself in this list of the best cable abs exercises for an amazing six-pack.
Best Cable Abs Exercises For An Amazing Six-Pack
What Vincent did in this list of best cable abs exercises for an amazing six-pack is to condense them all into a core workout.
Below you will see sets and reps.
1. Loaded Reverse Crunch
- 3 sets
- 10 reps
2. Side-Cable Crunch
- 3 sets
- 10 reps
3. Backward Cable Crunch
- 3 sets
- 10 reps
4. Cable Side Twist
- 3 sets
- 10 reps