3 Changes You Need to Make to Your Breakfast to Lose Weight

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Breakfast is not only the key to vivacity and energy for the whole day, but also a crucial aspect of nutrition to consider when aiming to lose weight. Let’s delve into the fundamentals of a “correct” breakfast in this article.

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Here are a few rules that anyone looking to shed some pounds should learn:

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Firstly, those who skip breakfast tend to choose more “harmful” foods during the day and often end up consuming more calories overall. Studies have shown that people who skip their morning meals have a 21% higher risk of developing diabetes. An international scientific team monitored the breakfast consumption of 6,500 Americans for 18 years and found that omitting breakfast led to a significant increase in the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease.

It’s advisable to have breakfast about an hour after waking up, preceded by drinking warm water an hour before. Cortisol, a hormone involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, peaks at the moment of awakening. It activates the breakdown of glucose in muscles and causes short-term insulin resistance in cells, making it ideal to eat breakfast approximately 60 minutes after waking up.

What is Warm Water For?

Warm water can help “train” your gallbladder and promote better immunity against viruses.

2. Avoid Drinking Coffee Immediately After Waking Up

Consuming coffee on an empty stomach can irritate the stomach lining, leading to discomfort and heartburn. Additionally, it can trigger an excess release of cortisol, resulting in increased appetite, anxiety, and irritability.

Coffee stimulates the secretion of gastric juice in the stomach, primarily composed of hydrochloric acid, which can be aggressive to the mucous membrane of internal organs. Therefore, drinking coffee alone doesn’t constitute a complete meal.

3. Opt for a Balanced Plate, Not Just a Coffee and Muffin

Creating the “right plate” for breakfast involves visually dividing a regular flat dinner plate with a diameter of 20 to 26 centimeters into two halves, and then one of the halves into two again. This results in one portion comprising 50% and the other two comprising 25% each. Fill most of the plate with vegetables, and divide the remaining space equally between protein-rich foods and complex carbohydrates. I recommend adding extra fat to the plate in the form of nuts or half an avocado. If you have cheesecake, you can add full-fat sour cream.

A croissant is not necessarily harmful if it contains fiber, protein, and fats. In such cases, it becomes a wholesome and nutritious choice, avoiding sugar spikes and promoting prolonged satiety.

This “Harvard plate” method allows you to move away from the usual practice of weighing food and counting calories, which can help relieve stress on the nervous system.

Remember, to lose weight effectively, aim to create breakfasts that provide long-lasting satisfaction and prevent overeating throughout the day.

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